What is RFC?

Photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash

What is RFC?

RFC in the context of GitHub and open-source projects typically stands for "Request For Comments." It is a process used by developers to propose and discuss changes or enhancements to a software project. When you see "RFC" associated with pull requests (PRs) on GitHub, it usually indicates that the author of the PR is seeking feedback on the changes they have proposed before finalizing the implementation.

The RFC process involves creating a structured document, which outlines the proposed changes, the reasoning behind them, and any other relevant context or information. This document is shared with the community, often as a GitHub issue or pull request, to solicit comments and suggestions from other project contributors. The goal is to reach a consensus on whether and how to implement the change.

The process can vary from one project to another, but common elements of an RFC include:

  • Title: A concise description of the proposal.

  • Proposal: The details of what is being proposed.

  • Reasoning: Justification for why the change is needed or beneficial.

  • Level of Support: An indication of how much consensus there is around the proposal.

  • Next Steps: Actions to be taken if the RFC is accepted.

  • Exceptions: Any situations where the proposal would not apply.

The RFC process is especially valuable in open-source projects where collaboration and consensus are crucial. It allows for open and transparent discussions, ensuring that different perspectives are considered and that the community is in agreement with the project's direction.

In summary, an RFC within a GitHub PR is a way for contributors to discuss and refine a proposal before it becomes part of the project's codebase. It is a collaborative tool that helps maintain the quality and coherence of the software project.