Looping the Collection: The Golang Way

Correct way to loop through any collection in go world

In Go we don't have forEach keywords like JavaScript to loop through any collection instead, we use regular for with range keyword to work.

Example - 1

Regular Array looping

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    favMovies := []string{"inception", "intersteller", "tenant"}

    // for {key}, {value} := range {list}
    for _, movie := range favMovies {
        fmt.Println("My Fav movie is:", movie)

Example - 2

Likewise, if we want to loop through the Hashmap (Objects in JS echo-system) -- we can do it in the same way.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    myList := map[string]string{
        "dog":   "bark",
        "cat":   "meeeow",
        "lion":  "roar",

    for animal, noise := range myList {
        fmt.Println("The", animal, "went", noise)